Back to basics with the Glenfield Greyhounds vs Waiheke Rams
28 Jun 2011

A Greyhounds players has room to gather a full head of steam.
For those who have only watched sport on TV being played by professionals, try and make it out to watch some local action. It’s great; nothing flashy, just good honest back-to-basics stuff being played by “weekday workers, weekend warriors”. Round 11 of the Men’s Open Division Rugby League draw took place with the Glenfield Greyhounds taking on the Waiheke Rams.

The aerial route doesn't fool the Waiheke defence.
You know you’re watching amateur footy when:
- The balls being used for the match are all different.
- The only substitute for one of the teams is at least twice as old and half as flexible as anyone else on his team.
- At least one player is far bigger than any of the others.
- At least one player is far smaller than any of the others.
- No oranges at half-time(!).
- A supporter wanders across the field while the match is in play with a dozen beers (aftermatch refreshments?) freshly purchased from the nearby supermarket.
- The coach’s words of encouragement to his players are to “SMASH THE ****”.

The 'face slap' tackling technique.
The tactics are sometimes different and a few interesting techniques are observed including the little used but effective ‘face slap’ tackling method in the image above. There’s no doubting the commitment on display though, so, get out and support your locals.