
31 Mar 2019

Looking down from the suspension bridge over the falls.

Looking down from the suspension bridge over the falls.

Quebec doesn’t have a long list of attractions and I’d been making my way around them in an orderly fashion. Last on the list was Montmorency Falls which I’d left for late in the trip so that my leg could improve enough to be able to run to it.

I arrived later in the afternoon than planned having found that the main-ish looking route on the map was actually a small, undulating road; not uncommon for Quebec as I had regularly discovered. I was just grateful that there was footpath the whole way; again, it’s not uncommon in Quebec for footpaths to abruptly end for no apparent reason and leave pedestrians to come up with their own way to continue their intrepid journey.

The falls are what you would expect a waterfall-turned-tourist-attraction to be. It’s a very worthwhile destination that’s accessible by regular bus. A special shout-out goes to the 2 gentlemen who saw logic in standing for a lengthy amount of time at the base of the falls in the full force of the spray.

Vista Point

Vista Point

Looking across the water from the Vista Point.

Looking across the water from the Vista Point.

The base of Montmorency Falls.

The base of Montmorency Falls.

A selfie in the full brunt of the mist.

A selfie in the full brunt of the mist.

Watching from a wet distance.

Watching from a wet distance.