Auckland 70.3 Half Ironman
19 Jan 2014

Jan Frodeno rounds the final corner for the win.
After a successful inaugural event in 2013, 2014 produced the goods again with Jan Frodeno stepping up to the mark to take out the mens race. A good win to Catriona Morrison also to go with her win two weeks ago. Great weather and great racing; good times had by all.
No sightings of cars this year but a tip for all age-groupers. More and more of you are mounting your bike shoes in your pedals and attempting to wedge your water engorged feet into them at the start of the bike. Nice plan, but most people spent a remarkable amount of time faffing about at the bike mount line getting underway or doing it there and then. Getting your shoes on in transition may not be the sexy thing to do, but unless you’ve got the manoeuvre down-pat, it may be the best option.

The lead pro swimmers nearing the end of the swim.

Bevan Docherty leaders a bunch of chasers out of the swim.

Catriona Morrison leads Jo Lawn in pursuit of Annabel Luxford.

Terenzo Bozzone checks on who's behind on the final leg of the bike.

Craig Alexander leads a small chase group.

Cameron Brown and John Polson head out on the final run lap.

Annabel Luxford approaches the finish line to take second place.